Thursday, December 11, 2008

since i've been gone

It's been over a year, can you tell I'm horrible at this?

So the most obvious change is that the boyfriend is gone. One day he was on the verge of finally telling me he loved, and the next he decided it was over. Surprisingly, I've come to accept it rather well now. It's interesting how I've realized how much I lied to myself about our relationship, though my no means am I saying it wasn't good for what it was. I just always vowed to myself that I wouldn't settle, but that's what I was doing. Every relationship requires compromise and sacrifice, that I know, but here I was making excuses for a guy who after a year and a half couldn't even tell me how he felt--I loved him dearly but perhaps I compromised my true self away.

It's funny though. I actually thought I might have met someone new. Unfortunately, it looks like he's gone now too and I'm not really sure why. Sometimes I think I really might be too far gone to be of any good to someone now...too far damaged, too many quirks. Though I honestly think I have a lot to offer. Nothing terribly spectacular, but it's all I have. Maybe the time and patience I need to trust are too much, and that just brings us back to point A of being too damaged.

He was very intriguing though, by no means perfect but I liked that. I thought he might actually be willing to wait for me to work through my quirks, but I guess they were to much for him too. I just don't know...

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