Thursday, March 29, 2007

How to be weak?

I think many can relate when I say that I was raised to be 'strong' and 'independent.' It was as though to be dependent was to be weak, and to be weak was to be flawed. So, what is one to do at those times in life when we are truly down and could use the comfort and support of a friend or loved one? To ask for such support from someone can make you feel needy and weak and, consequently, open to criticism from the very people we need.

But, must one be afraid of asking for help? Should one fear that asking for support when truly needed cause him or her to be marked as "needy" and "dependant"? As recently learning first-hand of the chaos of having PTSD, I know the extreme difficulty that can exist in asking for support. Always thankful that I wasn't one of those needy and clingy women and girlfriends, it was hard to ask my boyfriend to stay with me because I was "afraid to be alone."

I suppose my point is that it seems a bit ironic that life is giving me a lesson to learn how to be weak and vulnerable (to some extent) in a world where strength is emphasized. So, can one put down the shields of "strength" in order to concede weakness and accept solace?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So, I'm back. To be honest I've been so busy I actually forgot I had started this blog. Though I suppose it doesn't matter so much considering it's probably not even visited by anyone. But lately I've found myself contemplating the irony of life's brilliant madness, and that's when it hit me...I have a blog by that name. Sad, I know. But I figured why not go back to it and at least write for myself. Sometimes I wish I knew that whether someone is reading these thoughts, but at the same time it's comforting to know that for the time being they will remain anonymous. Oh well.