Saturday, December 2, 2006

every man is an island

"No man is an island" -John Donne

As much as Donne is quoted and as much as one may wish to believe him, he is simply not right.

Every man is an island amongst his peers. No matter how much one might wish he could show himself to the world, he can never invite someone into his mind. For better or worse, we are all isolated individuals. The world is only privileged to what is shared, but those words that are never spoken will never be known.

In some ways, it was rather depressing the other day when I suddenly realized that if I died today, I would have so much "unfinished business." There are so many thoughts, wishes, dreams, and confessions that would die with me that not another soul in the world knows about. Yet, the irony is that even if I knew I would die tomorrow, I still don't know how much, if any, of those unknowns I'd reveal.

I know that one of my greatest secrets and regrets is the fact that I never had the chance to tell my Dad that I loved him before he died. And this makes me wonder that if the situation were reversed and I was the one dying, then what right would I have to confess my feelings to someone I cared about. I believe that people deserve to know that they are loved, but is it always right to risk someone else pain, confusion, or what not by telling him how much you care about him or her? I wonder if that is one of those thoughts that must always remain unspoken?

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